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Future MOMS

A pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks. A birth before 37 weeks is considered a premature birth. In Switzerland, every 13th child is born prematurely. Premature babies are often underweight and underdeveloped and need medical support to properly develop.


Premature births can occur quite suddenly without any previous complications or apparent symptoms. In about half of premature births, the cause is unknown.

One of the reasons for premature birth may be cervical weakness. Softer cervical tissue or shortening may be early signs of imminent premature birth. Therefore, the condition of the cervix is typically monitored during pregnancy.


Until today, your gynecologist had to approximate your cervical stiffness vaginally with her or his fingers (palpation). With the Pregnolia System, they now have a reliable device that can precisely measure cervical stiffness.

The Pregnolia test supports the assessment of premature birth risk:

  • safe for you and your baby

  • pain-free

  • less intrusive and more hygienic than palpation

  • no ultrasounds

The Pregnolia System is a new device. Contact your doctor for more information or reach out to us.

Operating principle of the cervical stiffness measurement
Changes of the cervix


During normal pregnancy, the cervix becomes softer and softer until it opens completely at birth. A very soft cervix can indicate a higher risk for premature birth. 

A clinical study conducted by ETH Zürich and the University Hospital Zürich has shown that the cervix softens before it shortens. This allows the Pregnolia System to detect cervical changes during pregnancy earlier than ultrasound based cervical length measurements can.


The ongoing SoftCervix study is investigating whether cervical weakness can be detected early in pregnancy. In the study, the stiffness and length of the cervix are measured in the 5th month. The stiffness is determined with the Pregnolia System, and the examination is supplemented by two ultrasound measurements.

The study is being carried out in the following hospitals:


  • Universitätsspital Zürich

  • Universitätsspital Basel

  • Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève 

  • KU Leuven in Belgium

  • Stadtspital Triemli

  • Kantonsspital Aarau

  • Kantonsspital Baden

  • Kantonsspital Frauenfeld

  • Kantonsspital Luzern

  • Kantonsspital Münsterlingen

  • Kantonsspital St.Gallen

  • Kantonsspital Winterthur


The study centers are still recruiting pregnant women. If you would like to participate, please feel free to contact the participating hospitals.

measuring centres

The following medical practices are fully equipped with the Pregnolia System and are performing measurements:



  • gynhealth GmbH, Zürich

  • Dr. med. Peter Böhi, Altstätten SG

  • Dr. med. Matti S. Kuronen, Aarau

  • Dr. med. Michael M. Rabner, Zürich

  • Dr. med. Urs Kalberer, Biel

  • Dr. med. Fides Küng Straumann, Zürich



If you are interested in a measurement, please contact the practice directly.


DISCLAIMER: The Pregnolia products are CE certified and for sale in selected markets in Europe. Not cleared or approved for sale in any other markets.
FDA DISCLAIMER: The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research.


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